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Our superfine AAA mulch with rich, vibrant, full season color dye added to it and you have the perfect colorized mulch with our finest texture.
AAA Black Dyed Hardwood Fines is our finest grade of mulch with its texture at 1" minus and its color a rich dark black. This mulch is great for contractors and homeowners alike and will decompose the quickest of the hardwoods. Therefore, it makes for a great soil amendment in soil mixes and for mulching in a new area that needs some quick organics added to the soil. Our AAA grade is made by screening out all of the fines from raw, unprocessed hardwood mulch. This product should be applied 3" to 4" in depth.
Color enriched dyed mulch must have appropriate time to cure to prevent color loss. If rain is forecasted for the day of delivery, the mulch must be covered. PLEASE DO NOT LAY THE MULCH IF RAIN IS FORECASTED IN THE NEXT 48 HOURS. Tiffany Lawn & Garden Supply is not responsible for color loss due to the misapplication of this product. For more information, please visit